My journey into tutoring.
Back in 2019 I decided to give piano lessons to some of my friends and family members. What started off as a hobby quickly became a profession, as I began taking in more students. Being able to bestow my knowledge and advice to others feels like coming full circle, as it reminds me of the time when I was taking piano classes myself. It fills me with joy to see a novice progress and share their journey with me. I can gladly say, that some of my best students are still learning with me today, despite the fact that humanity has been facing a major pandemic that turned the whole world upside-down. Music is still as relevant today, if not of more importance, and it's great to see that we are still drawn to explore the endless boundaries of an 88-tangent wooden keybed in times, where working digitally has become a vital part of society. Being caught up in this dilemma myself, I had to take action and partly moved my courses into digital space as well. 
Currently, I am offering private piano lessons and production courses for my students in Berlin and online. Online lessons are usually available via Zoom, as it makes for the best experience to both parties. Every one of my students gets access to a wide range of material that's been carefully handcrafted by myself. Both of my offered courses can easily be combined into one package. The lessons can be held in English, German or Swedish. Take a look down below for more details about my rates and offers.

What you can expect from my piano lessons.
During my piano lessons, you will learn about song structures, composing techniques, improvisation and everything you need to know in order to feel comfortable at your instrument. Of course, you may choose which parts I should cover in our lessons, based on your experience. Playing the piano is a personal matter as you might have different goals than others. Some acquire a professional career while others simply enjoy the thrill of exploring this beautifully crafted instrument, step by step. When it comes to playing the piano, I believe that everybody has their own strengths. Let's make sure to find yours and bring them to life!

A love letter to music production.
Music production can be fascinating! Seeing your own songs flourish in unexpected ways is one of the most rewarding pleasures to strive for. Truth be told, a lot of times it can get quite frustrating as well. Things might not go as planned, technical issues hold you back from finally finishing a project or self doubt comes into play. But don't worry – all of these things are perfectly natural and part of your exciting journey. I will help you along and make sure that you feel relaxed, no matter which DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) you are using. And if you heard this term for the first time, don't stress out. It's referring to the software that we will be using during our courses. I prefer to teach in Logic Pro and Ableton Live since they are easy to follow along. But ultimately, any software has its advantages and disadvantages which is why I am not forcing you to reconsider upgrading to a different DAW. Heck, even Garage Band on an iPad can lead to some of the most astonishing results. I will teach you everything you need to know about songwriting, sound design, audio effects, developing your own sound (technically as well as metaphorically), mixing, mastering and how to overcome writers block.

Let's talk about the numbers.
How much do I charge? It's a simple model counting for both my piano lessons as well as the production courses:

30 minutes
Online lessons: 20€
Lessons at my studio (Berlin): 15€ (currently unavailable!)
45 minutes
Online lessons: 25€
Lessons at my studio (Berlin): 20€ (currently unavailable!)
60 minutes
Online lessons: 30€
Lessons at my studio (Berlin): 25€ (currently unavailable!)

Not sure if my courses are the right thing for you? Don’t hesitate, you can book your first lesson free of charge! If you’re interested, take a look at my contact form and leave me a notice. I will get back to you as soon as possible to arrange a meeting for our first lesson!

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